Ramah DC Celebrates Israel

Ramah DC has been busy celebrating Israel and prioritizing speaking Hebrew during our camp day.

Last week, our tzevet (staff) listened to our shlichim (Israeli staff) share their personal experiences during the last year in Israel, which was a very powerful and meaningful experience for everyone.

Shaar (our Hebrew immersion program) had each chanich (camper) learn about the map of Israel and its vocabulary.  They all went home with their very own puzzles of “mapat Yisrael” (Israel map).

Our week celebrating Israel finished off with a carnival for Yom Yisrael.

This year, we have also brought ‘Meah Milim’ (100 Hebrew Words contest) to Ramah DC Day Camp and our chanichim (campers) and tzevet (staff) have been so proud to earn their bags each week if they were the ones to use the most of our meah milim vocabulary words.

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