Meet Rosh Nitzanim — Dan Ring!

Shalom!  My name is Dan Ring and I am elated to be serving as Rosh Nitzanim at Ramah Day Camp this summer! During the year, I teach US History and AP Economics at a high school in Prince George’s County Public Schools. I am also in pursuing a Master’s Degree at the University of Maryland College Park (GO TERPS!) in Social Studies Education. Prior to working in the DC area, I spent two years as a traveling Education Fellow with Institute of Southern Jewish Life based in Jackson, Mississippi, traveling the South as a Jewish educator, working with small and large Jewish communities from Texas to Georgia. While I spent one summer working at a sleep away camp—BBYO ILTC/Kallah—day camp is near and dear to me. I spent many fond summers staffing the Bogrim (adolescent inclusion) unit at Camp Milldale in Reisterstown, MD during high school and into college. I am a huge fan of being able to go home at the end of the day, get recharged, and come back again the next day for even more fun. When I am not busy running around educating others or educating myself about education, I enjoy practicing banjo, long distance running, cooking, chatting about Judaism, philosophy and world affairs, and spending time with my family and friends!

Categories: Announcements, Nitzanim